Monday, September 14, 2009

SimTV: an I/ITSEC 2009 preview


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C R Krieger said...

If I am asked to go, I will, and with good cheer, but I am not volunteering, even to be able to go to the Comics Museum.

But, it was motivational.

Regards  —  Cliff

Jim Ross said...

I/ITSEC is an often grueling experience of standing and smiling for long periods of time.....and always enjoyable and worth the effort. A highly educational experience.

Fran Sansalone said...

I really like trade shows because I like to chat with people. Some of the stuff looks cool, but I/ITSEC wouldn't be a show I'd like to attend. I don't even think I'd go to the Comics Museum.

Dave Brown said...

I would love to go. I am still riled up by postponement of METL assembly workshop tutorial.
New toys and technology developments are nice, but what good will it be if they do not support mission requirements?

Learning how to express requirements that open up a large range of possible solutions will enable full capabilities alignment across the whole of nations approach we seek for a more secure and advancing world.

Dave Brown