I read this post on MSNBC about a name I thought we had left behind...Joe the Plumber is back in the news with his "anger" at John McCain (see here).
And I say: Who Cares?? Not only do I not care why Joe is supposedly not a real fan of McCain, or that he is a true believer in Sarah Palin, I am puzzled why any of this should be news today in the first place. Joe's 15 minutes are long gone, his upcoming book notwithstanding. Which reminds me, I cannot believe there is an audience out there that would be willing to pay to read his manifesto....
England Now Has a Version of DOGE
3 days ago
At least he realizes that Gov Palin is "the real deal." So, he has some insight. :-)
But, aside from that, he time in the sun has passed. I will not be purchasing his book, unless he has some really good information on all those Stasi Agents who rummaged through his government records and released the data. Those are folks who need 15 minutes of fame, in front of some judge, being sentenced for abuse of civil rights.
Regards -- Cliff
Oh, good old Joe. I was so sick of seeing his face plastered all over the news. "How can this plumber be at all relevant?", I said.
I can't believe the guy has enough to say that it fills an entire book.
Cliff: Sarah Palin? The real deal? Come on! She was like one long election-season train wreck!
Well, I might not have surfed back, but Ron said that there was an additional comment. All I can say about Governor Palin is that (1) she appealed to the Republican base (small as it is) and (2) she is a a step up from Senator Biden. It is a good thing VP Cheney got the bunker installed, since President Obama will wish for VP Biden to be there most of the next four years. But, he will be allowed visits by Baron Kinnock. :-)
Regards -- Cliff
PS Joe, I may need to consult with you about doing the picture thing.
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