Too black or white you say? How about Driving without seat belts fastened: smart or stupid?
We make rules and regulations (laws really) to govern the way we intend people to operate motor vehicles in our midst, not only to protect us from harm, but to protect drivers and occupants from themselves. I know, some among us feel that such governmental intrusion is unwarranted and overreaching, something to be avoided at (almost) all costs. Who are we to tell motorcyclists to wear helmets? Why should I wear a seat belt - I am not hurting anyone!! For the record, I always wear my seat belt when in the front seat of any vehicle (as required by law and common sense).
As far as not hurting anyone, I caught the local news story today where a 24-year-old Lowell woman died overnight in an single vehicle crash on I-93. Michelle was unfortunately not wearing her seat belt and was ejected when her car tested the tensile strength of the abutting trees. She was someone's daughter, someone's friend, perhaps someone's love. She hurt not only herself, but all those who knew her, cared for her, and had high hopes for her. She didn't follow the rules or the Law and she will never have the chance to change her mind.
You do! If you don't believe that seat belts save lives, yours and your loved ones inside and outside the car, the Internet has many resources to show you otherwise. A sample can be found here:
But who needs information, right? This is just Common Sense. So tell me, who lived through their crash in these tow photos? Yep, the firefighter did.

Merry Christmas - - be safe out there and enjoy the New Decade!! And let's rely on Common Sense -- that should be the Law!!